
Kamis, 17 November 2011

Sebuah postingan iseng - Character Story (fanart)

yoosh, selamat tengah malam all~~, pie kabare? setelah lama tidak ngepost di blog karena ga ada bahan dan keasyikan ngegambar serta maen SEAL Online, maka hari ini menjelang chara saya naek lepel, gw akan ngepost 1 entry

ini dibuat karena terinspirasi oleh story dari chara-chara game fighting yang belakangan ane nonton di youtube tentang KOF (padahal cuma ngeliatin Fionya doank :hammer:)

yap, character character di bawah tentu saja adalah teman-teman gw, cuma kalau deskripsinya tidak berkenan, silakan beritahu saya gw supaya bisa dihapus

untuk hari ini, 3 dulu, cekiprut (?)

Scarlet Fire Fighting Tournament

This is a story in 2019 when a mysterious man appears in every channel of television in the world that announces a fighting tournament. That man promises eternal life and true strength for the winner. He also said to every fighter, to gather in Tokyo Tower as the place of battle begin.


The Descendants of Last Defender of the World. Before the Defender breathe his last, he asks Bowletz to continue his duty to wipe out all of the tyranni and villainy in this world. Bowletz agreed and still keep that will until a years ago, when he became the villain after realizes that this world can't be clean until he hold the world himsel. After saw the tournament announcement, he participate to defeat all of the fighters and recruit them as his new members

Kevin Tri-Edge,

A fans of "Great Player-Killer of the world" named Azure Kite the Tri-Edge. After many researching, he finds where the Tri-Edge exists. He then became Azure's student and learns all of his technique. 3 months after finished his "college", Kevin finds his master' arms are gone because of another Player-Killer named Haseo the Terror of Death. Kevin is very angry because of that and promises, through the tournament, he will kill Haseo and take the eternal medicine that can cure his master's arm.

Hanazono Karin-chan

Hanazono Clan known as a "great troller with twintail" by many people. Karin is one of them. Although she was only 14th, but her talent in trolling is amazing that even Venath, the troller wannabe can't defeat her. Her life changed, after defeated in a troll battle held by a certain forum by a self-proclaimed "cool troller of the year". Surprised and amazed by his aura, she becomes hikikomori and always online to find the identity of the man. Knowing that man enters the fighting tournament, Karin enters the tournament with no care for his karate skills are still a few, with the goal could drag him to her home.

yaah, mungkin agak aneh ya penulisan deskripsinya gaje. yah cuma untuk iseng doank ^^v. kalau ga suka silakan komen, jadi tar di ganti ama karakter percobaan (?) lain *plak


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